Thursday, November 13, 2008


I know I know its been 2 months! I can't believe it's been that long. Ya know I really do love this stuff, blogging. And I really enjoy reading all my friends blog spots so you think that I would do this more.
Ok enough of that. Whats been happening in the lives of the Bush Fam.!
In October we went camping with my parents in Arkansas, Iron mount. It was so beautiful all the leaves were changing. My parents for those who don't know are evangelists for CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association). The camping was a motorcycle rally! I've never seen so many bikes before! Crazy 2000 some odd people were there. It was a lot of fun! Marsh mellow and hot dog roasting, singing around the camp fire! Bike games that Eythan and I got to play in with my Dad and some biker friends. Really enjoyable! Ok one really cool thing that happened. But I have to up date you on our adoption stuff with the kids. Ema has been praying for creative Ideas for raising the money for the adoption. We all have thought of some things but Ema is very..... very... persistent, passionate and creative. She asked me one day if she could draw some pictures and sell them to raise money. So I gave her some 3x5 card to draw on and off she went with her color pencils. she drew 20 or so. We took them with us Camping. My mom took Ema around to talk to some of there friends about her pictures she drew. Ema so cute stepped right up and said,"My name is Ema with one -M- and I," as she looked into an envelope and pooled out one of her drawings,"am asking people to buy one of my picture to help raise the money for our babies!" She was so excited! They, grandma and her, were gone for about 30 min. and she came running back with $82.00! God is so faithful! He blessed us so much through that! Thank you to all the people who gave my daughter a blessing that day! You sewed seed into good soil we thank you so much! May God richly bless you all!